Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The 7-Lesson Schoolteacher Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The 7-Lesson Schoolteacher - Assignment Example Parents know and understand their children, and are influential in their lives, even as they enter the teen years. The family is the main engine of education. â€Å"A family trained to snitch on each other is likely to be able to conceal any dangerous secrets. I assign a type of extended schooling called "homework", too, so that the surveillance travels into private households, where students might otherwise use free time to learn something unauthorized from a father or mother, or by apprenticing to some wise person in the neighborhood.† (Gatto, 1992) Schooling permits premature parent-child separation, and it does not avoid inappropriate pressure on children. Rose articulated â€Å"School can be a tremendously disori ­enting place. No matter how bad the school, you're going to encounter notions that don't fit with the assumptions and beliefs that you grew up with - maybe you'll hear these dissonant notions from teachers, maybe from the other students, and maybe you'll read them.† (Rose) It is because children spend most of their time at school; therefore, schooling does not create and maintain positive family relationships. Schooling is not good for children because the structure of school assumes that children are not natural learners, but must be forced to learn through the efforts of others. Natural learners do not need such a structure. Schooling is one of the attempts that does not follow the principle of natural learning and does not help children retain the curiosity, interest, and love of learning that every child has at birth.  

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